Monday, March 14, 2011

It's spring break and today is cold and cloudy, Yuck!  Billy went to visit Papa Bill, I can't believe Papa even ventured outside because it's so cold, he hates the cold. The rest of the week is supposed to be warmer. 
I don't have anything planned just to hang out and enjoy spending time with Billy, Cody is working all week.   I may take Billy to the zoo, he will like that.
Please pray with me for Cody, he has to go to Amarillo, to deliver hay.  He will have to drive a semi loaded with hay for a little ways, probably through Oklahoma City, Yuck!  Then his boss will take over the driving.  The momma in me is very nervous, but I have been praying for him ever since I found out. 
We got lucky on the time change, being spring break, we don't have to get up early, Yeah!  Billy liked to have never went to sleep last night and then of course we got up an hour later, too.  Next week will be a mess when school starts back.  I already have a terrible time getting Cody up, now is going to be a nightmare! 
We got alot accomplished this weekend, moved the wood for the porch, picked up most of the twigs around the yard, tilled the garden and planted potatoes and onions and played baseball with Billy.  
Please pray for us, Billy has to go back on the Gluten Free diet.  It's a very hard diet to be on.  There is almost no eating out, not in our town.  No convenient foods.  All his favorite foods have to be purchased at the Nutrition Store, which is really expensive.  
Lord, be with Cody this week as he travels to Amarillo and has to drive a semi truck.  I plead the blood of Jesus over him, Huck and the truck load of hay.  I pray that no weapon formed against him will prosper.  Cody and Huck shall abide under the shadow of the almighty.  Lord, you are his shield and buckler, you will give your angels charge over them.   I thank you and praise your Holy Name.  In Jesus Name, AMEN.

Have a Great Week,


Saturday, February 19, 2011

Quiet Time

I have a little time to myself before the guys get home.  Cody is working and Marvin and Billy went to the woods to check on some traps.  All my guys love to go to the woods and just explore.  As for me, not so much.  I'm kinda a girlie girl.  I don't really like getting dirty, except for gardening, I do like that.  It's sooo quiet I don't know what to do with myself.  Goldie, our gold fish is jumping up and telling me he is hungry, he splashes when it's time to feed him.  The weather has been so nice this week, spring like temps.  What a nice change from the snow and below 0 temps of the week before. 
I just found out Billy has to go back on the gluten free diet again.  I hoped he wouldn't have to stay on that diet, but no such luck.  We had to start this diet several yrs ago, but last year went off it for some testing.  It's really a big change in the way we eat.  He loves pizza and now we can't just pick up the phone and order Mazzios anymore.  I have to get some special gluten free crust from the Health Store and make it for him.  No regular bread, pastas, cookies, donuts, etc., anything convenient is out.  I really don't like to cook, I do cook, but I don't like it, now I have to cook all the time.  No more stopping by and getting burgers for dinner or (did I mention) Pizza!  It seems like that's all I think about is what to feed Billy and what not to feed Billy.  It totally consumes me.  He can't eat at school, I have to send his lunch everyday.  No more granola bars for breakfast, boo.  Oh well, I just have to suck it up and roll my sleeves up and get busy cooking.  I suppose it's good for me to get up a little earlier in the mornings, but not to cook would be great.  Pray for our family, we need some guidance and strength and maybe a little prayer for me to enjoy cooking would be nice, too.  Any gluten free recipes would be appreciated.  

Mom of Boys

Friday, February 4, 2011

We have had over 12 inches of snow in the past 4 days.  School  has been out for 4 days and  we are getting a little bored of the same thing everyday.  My car cannot go anywhere it's totally snowed in.  It's been taco soup and cookies and lots of cartoons and today it's the Dukes of Hazzard all afternoon, woo hoo!!  Everyone asks where Billy got his accent, I think from watching the Dukes!  Oh no! CMT got it wrong, Dukes are not on all afternoon, it's other stuff, Booooo.  ha ha.  I can get by without watching the Dukes all afternoon but Billy is disappointed. I guess we will have to watch our Dukes of Hazzard dvds.
It's snowing again!  It's really pretty from the window! I went out for a while yesterday with Billy and we were going to have a snowball fight but the snow is too powdery.  Billy made a small one and hit me right in the neck and it went down my shirt so I was done.  Sorry, but I was a sore loser, and it was very cold!
Billy keeps wanting to let in our 14 yr old Lab, Holly.  She smells really, really Bad!  I just don't want the house stinking. We let in our Golden Retriever, Sweedie, she has had 2 baths in the last couple of weeks so she isn't so smelly.   She is a really good watch dog, she stays with Billy all the time.  She nearly got Cody last week when he acted like he was going to get Billy.  It scared us  to death.  Boys are constantly messing around.  I think Sweedie convinced Cody to take it easy from now on.  

Here's the recipe for my Taco Soup:

2lbs of hamburger
1 large can of diced tomatoes
2 cans of rotel
1 can of pinto beans
1 can of ranch beans
1 can of dark red kidney beans
1 can of black beans
1 can of white hominy
1 pkg of ranch dressing mix
1 pkg of taco seasoning 
1 onion

Brown the hamburger meat and add the onion,  when meat is totally browned  add all the other ingredients and 3-4 cans of water and cook for 1 hour.  It's gets better the next day because all the flavors combine together.  Serve with shredded cheese (whatever kind you like)we eat colby/jack,  and tostitos.    
This is so easy, I love one pot dinners.  It makes so much, you'll be able to eat on it for days, or freeze the left overs for later.   

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Finally Fall

It's the first day of fall and time for football.  That's a sore subject around our house.  Last year our son, Cody, had a bad accident and suffered a severe concussion.  If you've ever seen the commercial where the parent says, "It will be a miracle if they make it to 20",  it's sooo true, especially if you have boys.  Boys are such daredevils.  I have found that if they are kept busy then they have less time to come up with the crazy ideas of things to do.  Anyway, Cody cannot play football.  He suffers from headaches daily if he doesn't take his headache medicine.  It's so hard for him to have to be around all the hype at school and don't even think about going to a game.  He went to homecoming and said he couldn't even watch because he wanted to be out there sooo bad. There's a new song called, Boys of Fall, of all the years for that song to come out, now is a terrible time.  It's hard to even go to Sunday School because parents are bragging about their kids who of course are the best players.  I hate to say we have stopped going, Billy and I are going to another church's Sunday School where the subject is actually about God.  I'm sure they don't mean anything by it but it's a sensitive subject and hard to hear about other kids fun.  I'm not saying it is the right thing to do, but it is what works for us for now.   Marvin and Cody worked since fourth grade, practicing and playing football every year.  Then to come to 11th grade and ready to play varsity and not be able to.  I just found out that Cody was the one who got the team fired up and ready to go.  It's hard for Marvin to listen to the dads at work talking about their boys and the games.  I'm happy to say Cody has found a job he really enjoys, driving tractors, moving hay, feeding cattle, etc.  He keeps very busy and loves his work.  He has a truck he is working on and very excited to get it running.  He wouldn't be able to work and earn money to fix it up if he was playing football, so that's a positive. He gets to attend the Vo Tech School and loves his class.  He is learning to weld and is very good at it and really enjoys it.  He actually likes to go to school, yeah! 
Lord, help us to see what you have planned for us.  We may not understand why, but who are we to question your ways.  Lead and guide us in the path you have laid out and to stay strong and trust you that you know what is best.  Help us to see the good that comes from the situations that happen and lift up your name in all things.  Thank you for our families and working together and supporting each other in whatever happens.  Keep us safe, strong and healthy.  I plead the Blood of Jesus over my family and the dwellings they are in.   Help us as parents to know how to train our children.  Thank you for our children, our boys, they are true blessings.  In Jesus' name I pray these things, Amen. 

May God Bless and Keep You,

Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Start Of A New School Year

I can't believe it's already time for school to start.  I know there are so many unhappy children knowing that summer break is over, and so many happy mothers knowing that summer break is over.  No more having to figure out how to entertain the kids on those long hot summer days when it's too hot to go outside and they are bored to death inside.  It's a happy yet sad time for parents when we have to leave the kids at school for someone else to take responsibility of caring for their needs.  It makes me a little sad not being able to see my child all the time, yet I know he needs to learn how to be around others his age and learn to interact.  It will be nice to have a little time for myself again.  I will have the time to post more blogs and study my bible and get back in touch with who I am.  I think it's good to have some time to concentrate on myself so I can be a better wife and mother.  I don't know about you but I need to get back in touch with God and regain that close relationship with him.  I let all the distractions of life get in the way of my relationship with God.  I know I am to put him first but I just haven't been doing that lately.  I have alot to talk to him about, Oh, I've talked to him, but I haven't listened to him.  He has been waking me up at around 5 am every morning for a couple of months now.  I read my bible but I don't concentrate so I don't remember what I've read.  I just go through the motions but don't really open my heart to receive what God wants to give me.  I know I need to fall on my face and let the Holy Spirit work a number on me.  I'm glad God wakes me up to spend time with him,  I just need to utilize my time more wisely and give my time, wholeheartedly, to him.  God deserves all my attention and asks for it.  I seem to put him off so much, push him to the next slot, it's no wonder I can't hear him when I pray.  I'm so selfish to think I can pray when it's convenient and expect him to listen and answer.  I used to pray with my boys but don't do that anymore.  What a terrible example I'm setting for them.  I will show my children how important God is and how he should be put first.  Use this time when the kids go back to school to get close to God.  Use the time to pray and spend time with him and get a close relationship with him, your family will thank you.  
Lord, be with our children as they go back to school and to all their friends and to all the schedules and rules to follow.  Be with the teachers and all faculty involved in our children's lives.  Protect their minds, souls, spirits and bodies.  I plead the blood of Jesus over them and all the school grounds and all the transportation they use to get to school and home.  Be with the parents and help them to get closer to you.  In Jesus Name, Amen. 

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Me? Camping?

You want me to WHAT?  My youngest son wants me to camp out with him tonight.  I am sooo not a camp out girl.  I don't like bugs, sweat or snakes!  I told him only if we sleep on the trampoline will I even consider it.  I think this should be a dad-son thing, really.  I'm really more of a girly girl myself, you know staying clean and sweat and bug free.  Oh, the things we do for Love!  All of the sudden he wants to do all this stuff like climb a tree, go hiking and camping. It's kinda scary for my baby to be climbing trees, (I still can't breathe when I think of the time I fell out of a tree).   I thought I was dying, you know how it feels when the wind gets knocked out of you, well I was so scared and it scared my poor babysitter, Lynn, nearly to death.  Then there was the time I was running and flipping over the fence my dad made out of telephone poles, not nailed down, yes, it fell on me, and another near death experience(to a kid), I think I may have cracked a rib on that one.  Kids are so daring and not afraid of anything, sometimes it's a good thing to have that courage, and then again it's scary because they have no fear of anything.  We instill in them some fear, like of snakes, spiders and  mean bulls, things like that.  I sure wish I could be fearless like my kids, I could do so much.  My Business would be so much better if I weren't afraid to talk to people and if it weren't for my fear of rejection.  My youngest son can talk to anyone, anytime, anywhere.  I soooo wish I could be that way. 
Lord, give us courage to step out in faith to do the things you want us to do.  Help us to not be afraid to tell others about you and to stand up for what we know is right and true.  In Jesus name I  pray, Amen.

Love Ya'll, 

Thursday, June 17, 2010


Don't you feel awful when your kids are sick?  I wish I could take their pain and misery for them.  My youngest has had a stomach virus for the past 2 days and is still feeling bad.  Moms you know the sound of the Cry, it differs from all other cries.  The Cry when you know to grab the trash can.  Why is it at night the fever goes up and all the other yucky stuff ( I won't describe) all gets worse?  I guess God gives us moms extra stamina to withstand the sleepless nights and days as well.  My son needs me to just be with him.  I put my wants aside and just sit or lay beside him and hug him if he needs me to.  Sometimes I joke that my kids are very needy, and they are, they need me, their Mom.  That's why we are Moms.  If not for them then we wouldn't be Mom.  The stumbling to the bathroom with them (I don't even think  my eyes are open at times) , then the sound, you know the sound, of throw up hitting the floor ( I still panic when I here the water running in the bathroom at night).  Cody thinks I'm crazy!  Maybe so, I wasn't before I was a Mom.  Last year, both of the boys had a terrible stomach virus at the same time.  I didn't think I would ever catch up on sleep after that.  It was like a nightmare!!  Billy was so sick he hardly woke up to throw up, then right back to sleep while I was left, not really awake myself, cleaning up only to it starting all over again as soon as my head hit the pillow.  I stay at home so I take care of all of the kid stuff so Dad can get rested for work the next day.  I'm thankful I don't have to worry about calling in sick and feeling guilty.  I am sooo thankful to my husband for working sooo hard to make it all happen this way.  I have never been one to be able to handle the responsibility of both home and kids and husband and working outside of the home.  I have nearly had a nervous break down when I have tried.  For some reason I just don't handle all of it at all.  My hat goes off to those of you who do all of it!!  You totally Rock!!
I Believe in You! You are an Awesome MOM! Let's keep up all the hard work, it will all be worth it soon.

God Bless You,

Shari (MOB)