Saturday, July 17, 2010

Me? Camping?

You want me to WHAT?  My youngest son wants me to camp out with him tonight.  I am sooo not a camp out girl.  I don't like bugs, sweat or snakes!  I told him only if we sleep on the trampoline will I even consider it.  I think this should be a dad-son thing, really.  I'm really more of a girly girl myself, you know staying clean and sweat and bug free.  Oh, the things we do for Love!  All of the sudden he wants to do all this stuff like climb a tree, go hiking and camping. It's kinda scary for my baby to be climbing trees, (I still can't breathe when I think of the time I fell out of a tree).   I thought I was dying, you know how it feels when the wind gets knocked out of you, well I was so scared and it scared my poor babysitter, Lynn, nearly to death.  Then there was the time I was running and flipping over the fence my dad made out of telephone poles, not nailed down, yes, it fell on me, and another near death experience(to a kid), I think I may have cracked a rib on that one.  Kids are so daring and not afraid of anything, sometimes it's a good thing to have that courage, and then again it's scary because they have no fear of anything.  We instill in them some fear, like of snakes, spiders and  mean bulls, things like that.  I sure wish I could be fearless like my kids, I could do so much.  My Business would be so much better if I weren't afraid to talk to people and if it weren't for my fear of rejection.  My youngest son can talk to anyone, anytime, anywhere.  I soooo wish I could be that way. 
Lord, give us courage to step out in faith to do the things you want us to do.  Help us to not be afraid to tell others about you and to stand up for what we know is right and true.  In Jesus name I  pray, Amen.

Love Ya'll, 