Saturday, May 1, 2010

I just want PEACE!!

Oh what day, full of rain and you guessed it MUD, and puppies which led to wet puppy smell, YUCK!  You have to understand I was the prissy girl, my sister was the tomboy who loved to be outside and muddy.  God has such a sense of humor, I have the boys and my sister has the girl.  I have decided that boys are magnets for mud and water puddles.  I am very anal, and it drives me crazy for everything to be in chaos, which when you have boys that is the normal.  There is always wrestling and fighting and roughhousing,  hardly a moment of peace and silence, then when that happens I catch myself wondering what are they up to, instead of enjoying it.  I sometimes feel guilty for wanting to have peace and quiet but I just NEED IT sometimes!  I find myself constantly praying for wisdom and strength only to feel totally inadequate and weak.  I know satan wants to destroy families and relationships and I constantly have to pray and try to make the right decisions.  You can never stop or let up, not even for a moment.  I Plead the Blood of Jesus over my family and our home, cars, work and school.  I have to constantly keep after myself, because I let bad thoughts and words out.  I have started asking God to cleanse my heart and my mind.  I cannot do it myself, but if I will turn it over to God he will take my problems and deal with them, but the key is to trust him and just Let Go and Let God!!  I  pray that my friends who find that they are weighed down with burdens will let go and let you take over and take care of their problems.  I pray for strength and wisdom beyond my years and help me be a better mom.  In Jesus Name, Amen.

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